A diverse insight into scientific and industry-related work in the field of Industrial Engineering
Student and Research Assistants are employed at the Institute of Production Systems in the areas of teaching, research and industrial contract research. The fields of activity include, among others, processing data, creating presentations, conducting independent research, assisting in the implementation of events and carrying out various tasks in the IE Training Centre.
Unsolicited application expressly welcome
In close coordination with our scientific and non-scientific employees and in a team of several SHK/WHF, you will work in the field of industrial engineering. This will give you a good insight into the different Research areas of the IPS. In addition, you will gain an insight into the current situation and needs of small and large companies in the manufacturing industry through support in the context of industrial contract research.

Wir suchen Studierende...
- der Fakultät Maschinenbau oder Informatik, gern aber auch Studierende mit Interesse im Bereich der Statistik und Mathematik
- mit Vorkenntnissen im Bereich der Lehrveranstaltungen des IPS, mindestens aber mit großem Interesse an industrienahen Fragestellungen
- mit Vorkenntnissen im Umgang mit Standardsoftware (MS Office) und der Bereitschaft, sich in weitere System einzuarbeiten
- mit Teamgeist und selbstständiger Arbeitsweise
Wir bieten...
- spannende Aufgaben im Bereich des Industrial Engineerings
- regelmäßiges Feedback
- angenehme Arbeitsatmosphäre
- indiviuell zu vereinbarende Arbeitszeiten
- umfassend ausgestattete Arbeitsplätze
- Bezahlung und Urlaubsanspruch gemäß Tarif
Wir haben Dein Interesse geweckt? Dann bewirb Dich jetzt!
Your tasks as a SHK/WHF
You can expect a variety of tasks in the area of research, teaching and industrial contract research. Depending on the main topics of your supervisor, you will be assigned primarily, but not exclusively, to a subject area of the IPS. This and the exchange within the team will give you a good overview of the topics of the IPS and the work as a research assistant.
Selected tasks:
- Research of delimited topics
- Preparation and revision of presentations and lectures
- Analysis and processing of data
- Support in the processing of research projects
- Assistance in the context of industrial contract research
- Assistance with the organisation and implementation of events
- Support in working with our Demonstrators
Thrilling and with responsibility
The Institute of Production Systems has a broad landscape of student assistants from the fields of mechanical engineering and industrial engineering, but student support from the departments of computer science and statistics is also constantly being expanded. Overall, as a student, you get the opportunity to further and practically deepen student content, for example from the field of industrial engineering, as well as to gain insights into current research fields of the respective working groups.

Research with Practical Relevance
At the Institute, theoretical engagement with new fields of research is just one way of purposefully expanding one's everyday student life. A practical examination of current trends is also possible. Fields of application at this point are, for example:
Human-Robot Interaction
Data Science
The practical applications thus offer a good supplement to the mostly theory-heavy studies. Various lightweight robots are available in the institute's laboratory area, which can be worked on to carry out various research projects. Although this very current topic forms a strong trend in industry and research, it has not yet fully overcome the hurdles on the way to becoming an explicit, comprehensive teaching content. Therefore, this is a unique opportunity to build up practice-relevant knowledge and experience with the topic. Here, the task of the student assistants is not only the acquisition of theoretical knowledge, but especially the application of this knowledge. In this way, pilot processes can be tested in a test environment and optimised on the basis of various research approaches. Similarly, there is the opportunity to validate research projects in practice.
Working as a Student Assistant - Preparing for Working Life After Graduation
The work at the chair already gives students their first insights into a possible later professional field. Thus, students already have the opportunity to take responsibility for tasks during their studies and gain their first insights into working life and project business. Regardless of the professional orientation - industry or research - the work at the institute forms a solid basis for a working life after graduation. All in all, as a student at the IPS, you get the opportunity,
to contribute with one's own experience and knowledge under a goal-oriented guidance of the staff,
to become part of a friendly and collegial working environment
and to participate practically in research-relevant projects.
While research assistants have already obtained a Bachelor's degree, student assistants are still in their Bachelor's studies.
The hourly wage as a SHK is €12.00.
The hourly wage as a WHF is €14.40.
The weekly working hours are specified in the employment contract. Contracts of five to 20 hours per week are possible, but a weekly working time of eight hours at the IPS is the rule.
A confident handling of the MS Office programs Word, Excel and Power Point is required. Knowledge of industrial engineering is desirable. Mathematical and statistical knowledge as well as IT skills are also valuable for selected tasks.
Working hours are agreed upon individually with the respective supervisor, taking into account the timetable and examination periods.
It makes sense to apply at any stage of the programme. However, it is in the interest of both parties that an induction can take place, which is why a remaining period of about one year is desirable.
Yes. In principle, all contracts are fixed-term and cover a period of three to twelve months.
Through the various tasks, you will gain a deep insight into the topics of industrial engineering, both from a scientific and an industrial perspective. Through the cooperation with your supervisor and the personal feedback, you can develop professionally and personally. Ultimately, you will get to know the everyday work of a research assistant at the institute.
Yes, the holiday entitlement is based on the agreed weekly working hours and the duration of the contract. The basis for the duration of the holiday are the statutory regulations.
Yes. In the event of illness, which has been established by a doctor with a medical certificate, there is continued payment of remuneration in accordance with the statutory guidelines.
Your PC workstation is located in our specially equipped workroom and includes all the necessary work equipment (hardware, software). Other necessary working materials will of course be made available to you.
You must be enrolled at a university, college or university of applied sciences, but not necessarily at TU Dortmund University.