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Faculty of mechanical engineering

Start of IGF Research Project MODKMU

Das Logo von "MODKMU" zeigt den Schriftzug in grauer Farbe. Das "O" ist durch ein stilisiertes Zahnrad mit vernetzten Punkten ersetzt, was auf Technologie und Vernetzung hinweist. Das "U" ist mit zwei nach oben zeigenden Pfeilen gestaltet, die zu einem Häkchen und einem Kreuz führen © IPS​/​TU Dortmund
MODKMU is starting and so another IGF project for the IPS. In cooperation with our partner institute RIF e. V., a decision framework for manufacturing organization principles is to be developed that is specifically aimed at SMEs.

We are delighted that MODKMU (Manufacturing Organisation Decision Framework for SMEs), another project idea from our institute, is being funded as part of the Industrial Collective Research (IGF).

During the next two years, together with our research partner RIF e. V., a decision framework for manufacturing organisation principles will be developed. The background to this is that existing forms of organisation in production are increasingly being questioned. Shorter product life cycles, an increased product mix due to customer individualisation and flexible delivery conditions are just a few examples of why it is necessary to increase robustness against the effects of variability. However, deciding on the “right” organisational principle is complex. Due to the difficulties involved, the organisational principle is therefore often selected in practice by experience or intuitively. This applies in particular to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), to which the project results are directed.

MODKMU aims to remedy this situation and develop a data-based decision framework. This should enable SMEs to enrich their empirical knowledge with data in order to make an informed decision. This will also support other data-based tasks and analyses such as increasing efficiency, minimising risks and avoiding problems.

The format of the IGF projects is particularly relevant for the success of the project. We are dependent on the help of companies and domain experts in our work. In addition to theoretical maufacturing organisation principles, mixed forms from practice are also to be investigated. Our project partners are also actively involved in validating the developed system. In this way, practical applicability can already be ensured during the course of the project.

We are looking forward to the start of the project and would like to thank all partners in advance for their trust, support and exciting discussions over the coming project period.