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Faculty of mechanical engineering

A new cyber-physical brewery for the institute!

  • 2021_en
Foto eines Labors mit industriellen Anlagen. Links steht eine komplexe Apparatur aus Metall mit verschiedenen Ventilen und Rohrleitungen, neben der ein Bildschirm angebracht ist. Rechts befinden sich drei große, glänzende Edelstahlbehälter auf Rollen, die durch Rohrleitungen miteinander verbunden sind. Im Hintergrund ist ein Banner mit der Aufschrift "RIF" und ein Fenster mit Blick nach draußen zu sehen. © IPS​/​TU Dortmund
The wait for the new brewery is finally over. After long planning, it has now moved into the premises of the RIF. Even if not all hoses have found their right connection yet and power connections still have to be adapted to the German standard. The new brewery is ready!

The background to the new plant is the DaPro research project of the cooperation partner RIF, in which the use of machine learning methods and artificial intelligence for data-driven process optimization in the beverage industry is being researched. In addition, the plant will serve as a test object for students of the IPS as part of the Industrial Data Science course. Furthermore, a workshop concept will be developed in the future as part of the ML2KMU project in order to bring Data Science and Machine Learning closer to medium-sized companies in a tangible way.

We hope that the final touches of the installation will be done soon, so that the new brewery can go into action soon.

In addition, initial ideas are already underway in cooperation with the Center for Advanced Manufacturing (CAM) at the University of Technology Sydney (UTS). In the future, physically identical twins will form the basis of digital twins and cyber-physical brewery environments, on which cross-site research will be carried out first on the digital model and then on the real object

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