New research project CrRETA: Artificial intelligence revolutionises CrossFit® Remote Coaching

Supported by EDIH-DO, we want to use state-of-the-art AI methods to support coaches in analysing movement and help athletes to train more healthily.
What if remote coaching for CROSSFIT® was as precise and effective as if the coach were at your site? We want to make this vision a reality with our new research project CrRETA (Crossfit Remote Enhanced Training AI). From 1st January 2025, we will be launching a project that aims to take the existing practice of remote coaching to a new level. But how will we achieve this? By using artificial intelligence, coaches will be supported in recognising and correcting movement errors more quickly.
Why CrRETA? Our aim is to enable athletes to train more effectively and, above all, more healthily. By utilising technologies such as Landmark Detection and Object Detection, we can ensure a more precise assessment of movements. But where do these methods come from? They are based on the results of our previous research project HAawAI, which focussed on ergonomics and time studies. The approaches developed there provide us with a tried-and-tested set of methods that we are now using specifically for CrRETA.
Can artificial intelligence really improve the quality of coaching? We believe it can. With CrRETA, coaches can describe problematic movements more intuitively and help athletes achieve correct posture more quickly. This not only means more effective training, but also less risk of injury.
Are you curious to see how CrRETA will shape the future of remote coaching? Join us on this exciting journey and stay up to date - on our homepage and on LinkedIn. Together we are setting new standards for safe and efficient training in CROSSFIT®!