NIRO-Workshop-Report - Condition monitoring and connectivity of older machines

On November 16th, 2021, the Niro Maintenance/Energy Efficiency Working Group met at the Institute of Production Systems for an exchange of experiences regarding the condition monitoring and connectivity of older machines. Ensuring the functionality of older machines, which are often also key machines, represents a significant focus of action for maintenance.
A short presentation was followed by an explanation on a demonstration object of an industrial robotics cell of the real implementation of retrofitting and loT platforms. The participants discussed the implementation options in their company's machinery and confirmed that many companies are still at an early stage. Finally, the participants dealt with needs and challenges in practice.
Further meetings of the maintenance / energy efficiency working group are also planned for 2022. The full article and further information can be found in NIRO knowledge (German only).
Further information can be found at the projecthomepage.