Successful project conclusion in the AKKORD research project in Dortmund and Lüdenscheid
- 2023

The project meeting started on Wednesday at the Technical University of Dortmund under the motto "Experience AKKORD". Hosted by the Institute for Production Systems, the focus of this day was on the practical results of the three remaining areas in the research project.
First, there was a general review of the four-year processing period. The development of the reference toolkit in the different phases clearly shows how the conceptual aspects of the modular developments come together. The result is the reference toolkit with its six building blocks.
With the conclusion of the conceptual work and the final measures for result validation, the three areas then presented their results in the afternoon with the help of vivid software demonstrations. In addition, the company daibe, a spin-off and the newest associated partner of the research project, presented its work in connection with the AKKORD research project. In a total of four parallel sessions, the participants of the consortium meeting were thus able to experience the results at first hand.
The second day took place in the ERCO lighting factory in Lüdenscheid.
After an informative tour of the production and assembly facilities, a presentation on the Germany-wide interview study conducted by the partner mosaiic was on the agenda. Although the results of the study are still in the process of being published, a comprehensive insight into the results of the survey could already be shown at the meetings.
The focus in terms of content was then on the conclusion of further use cases. In presentations that were again held in parallel, the partners Miele, ERCO, PolyMerge, Arendar, BtF and mosaiic presented the final results of the use case work.
On Friday morning, the 11th consortium meeting ended with a final meeting at the partner RapidMiner. After a joint breakfast, two very informative presentations were on the agenda in a pleasant atmosphere. On the one hand, IPSengineers gave an insight into their software and consulting services. Secondly, two representatives from the Chair of Business Informatics at Chemnitz University of Technology and from N + P Informationssysteme presented an exciting overview of their research results from the sister project CoTwin. CoTwin, just like AKKORD, is a research project of the InKoWe funding group, so this last meeting was another opportunity to look beyond the proverbial horizon.
The project ended after a joint workshop on the "lessons learned" from four years of research work. With positive energy and good discussions about promising follow-up activities and ideas, the project consortium said goodbye after the eleventh and last consortium meeting in the AKKORD research project.