DAAD Sommerschule
2nd Machine Learning and IoT Summer School in Cyber-Physical Brewing Lab
Due to the advancing digitalisation and automation in industrial production, competences in Machine Learning (ML) and Internet of Things (IoT) are becoming increasingly relevant for the future. In particular, the development of cyber-physical systems requires competences in these areas. Competence development in ML and IoT often takes place on a theoretical level and rarely on the basis of practical examples. The development of competences for networking with IoT and process optimisation with ML requires practical processing of real tasks.
The summer school aims to achieve three main goals. (1) To increase interest in Germany as a location for research and study, especially in TU Dortmund University and the IPS. In this context, the IPS provides innovative technologies and thus presents Germany as an attractive location for talented students and young scientists. During the summer school, participants acquire skills in the areas of Machine Learning (ML) and Internet of Things (IoT). The content taught will be applied to the beverage industry. A particular focus of the second Summer School is the introduction of CO2e-oriented recipe optimisation. (2) In addition, international participants can gain insights into German teaching and research practice, with DaPro and BeverGreen project serving as an example of the close connections between research and industry in Germany. (3) Another objective is the professional and cultural exchange between participants and lecturers by linking future technologies with traditional brewing industry's techniques, and exchanging experiences through excursions of German companies in Australia. Lecturers will report on their studies, academic careers, and the highlight their experiences in Germany beyond the content-related aspects.
The summer school is designed to have a duration of five days. UTS students will benefit from theoretical and practical insights into Internet of Things (IoT), database technologies and machine learning (ML) technologies from the IPS. Brewing basics will be taught by a German brewmaster and brewing engineer.
Research-, Development- and Application Partners
Funding Reference
The project is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) as part of the "Summer Schools Abroad" programme. It is coordinated by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD).