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Faculty of mechanical engineering

SySPOT project reaches milestone

Das Bild zeigt einen modernen Industrieroboterarm, der ein goldfarbenes, metallisches Objekt inspiziert. Der Roboterarm, der blau-graue Akzente aufweist, ist mit einer Kamera oder einem Sensor ausgestattet, der das Objekt beleuchtet und untersucht. Der Hintergrund deutet auf eine industrielle oder Laborumgebung hin, mit verschiedenen technischen Geräten und einer Arbeitsfläche. Das Bild vermittelt einen Eindruck von Präzision und fortschrittlicher Technologie in der industriellen Fertigung oder Qualitätskontrolle. Please provide a copyright notice

The SySPOT project has successfully reached its mid-term milestone and is now focusing on AI models and demonstrator.


We are pleased to announce that the research project SySPOT, a project to develop an adaptive photonic surface testing and cleaning system, has successfully reached its halftime milestone. This milestone represents a significant step in the research work to improve "Technical Cleanliness" (TecSa) in industrial manufacturing processes, and aims to significantly increase efficiency in various industries.

In the first phase of the project, the focus was on identifying requirements for the overall system and developing algorithms for automated image capture and sensor self-configuration. Now, at the end of this first phase, the project team has made important progress in AI-based control and regulation of optical sensors. These advancements allow for an initial analysis of particulate contamination and scratches on a variety of surfaces and geometries.

In addition, the digital integration of the cleaning system at consortium partner Höckh has been successfully connected with the edge devices. In the next steps, the edge devices will be continuously improved with the current models, and the overall integration with the sensor will be advanced.

The SySPOT research project runs until March 31, 2024, and is funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research. Looking ahead to the coming months and the continuation of this important work, the entire team is optimistic and looks forward to the next challenges and achievements.

Darstellung der Integration der Reinigungsanlage © IPS​/​TU Dortmund