News from international standardisation activities at the IPS

The standardised description of machines and equipment as well as their behaviour is a key to the interoperability of digital twins and data-driven applications in the context of Industry 4.0. Within the framework of the ISO 16400 series of standards, not only are standards defined for the formal description of equipment behaviour catalogues (EBC), but also their integration into the operational information flow. The IPS, together with its cooperation partner RIF and PDTec AG, is accompanying the progress of ISO 16400-2 towards becoming an international standard, especially in cooperation with Japanese and Korean experts. In addition, new developments based on previous Prostep working groups were successfully established in the form of a New Work Item for an ISO 16400-5, which defines operational information flows and their interfaces to EBCs. Future work within the EUPHORIC project also includes the interaction of EBC frameworks with developments such as the Asset Administration Shell (AAS) or the Digital Factory Framework (DFF). The next meeting of ISO TC 184 SC 5 WG 13 will take place in Frankfurt on 05-07 September 2023.
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ISO/TC 184/SC 5
Interoperability, integration, and architectures for enterprise systems and automation applications
ISO/DIS 16400-2
Automation systems and integration — Equipment behaviour catalogues for virtual production systems — Part 2: Formal description of a catalogue template