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Faculty of mechanical engineering


Change pro CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)

(Projektlaufzeit: Januar 2012 bis Dezember 2014)


The challenges that companies have to face in the context of economic and sustainable entrepreneurial action today and in the future are manifold. These include, among others, the decreasing proportion of young specialists and managers with an ageing workforce, the need to operate economically and resource-efficiently, and the challenge of acting socially responsibly as a company. In this context, the importance of an attractive employer image is increasing.
For this reason, corporate social responsibility approaches, i.e. economically, ecologically and socially responsible trade, come into play.

CSR Werte und Markenintegration © IPS​/​TU Dortmund

In addition to the original purpose of a company to generate economic profit, there is also the task of contributing to the well-being of society, taking into account both social and ecological aspects. This is a voluntary contribution by the business community to the sustainable development of the company that goes beyond the legal requirements. This makes it possible to meet the challenges presented and to increase the competitiveness of companies.


The objective of "Change pro CSR" is the systematic and gradual anchoring of the values of CSR in the corporate management and culture of small and medium-sized enterprises from the metal, mechanical engineering and industrial electronics sectors of the Network Industry RuhrOst (NIRO).
In order to strengthen competitiveness, the fields of action described above are addressed, with a focus on the workplace and the environment.


The project is divided into four phases:

A sustainability report is to be prepared for the participating NIRO companies by raising awareness, focusing and implementing concrete activities. The contents are developed cooperatively in an interdisciplinary project team from industry and research.

Projektphasen "Change pro CSR" © IPS​/​TU Dortmund
Projektphasen "Change pro CSR"

Companies Involved

  • ABP Induction Systems GmbH
  • Böcker AG
  • btv technologies gmbh
  • Diagramm Halbach GmbH & Co. KG
  • Machine factory Völkmann GmbH
  • Montanhydraulics GmbH
  • roTeg AG
  • SIBA GmbH
  • vibro-tec GmbH
  • Wilo SE

Funding Reference

The project "Change pro CSR" is funded by the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs and the European Social Fund as part of the programme "CSR - Social Responsibility in Medium-sized Businesses".