Kick-Off SyNExo - Exoskeletons in Production and Logistics
- 2021_en

Since April, we at IPS have also been working on the topic of exoskeletons for production and logistics. Such systems are a new, emerging technology that makes it possible to reduce the strain of manual work and thus prevent musculoskeletal disorders and incapacity to work.
Exoskeletons refer to support structures worn on the body that provide mechanical relief for workers. Originally developed for the military and medicine, these assistance systems are now also increasingly being used in production and logistics to enable necessary body movements and postures to be carried out without harm.
Despite the potential benefits of exoskeletons, the successful introduction of exoskeletons in small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in particular has been difficult to date. In order to address this practical problem, the research project "Systematic Use of Exoskeletons in Production and Logistics (SyNExo)" was recently launched at the IPS. You can find out more about the content and procedure of the research project here.
At the end of June, the kick-off of the project took place together with about 15 companies and 30 participants from the project committee. Impulse presentations by the exoskeleton manufacturers Ottobock and German Bionic offered insights into available exoskeletons, their effects and areas of application. The Institute for Occupational Medicine, Social Medicine and Health Services Research (IASV) presented the scientific perspective on the effectiveness of exoskeletons.
Afterwards, in a joint workshop, possible areas of application and advantages of exoskeletons but also existing obstacles were discussed and the next steps were jointly determined. We would like to thank all participants and look forward to further cooperation. The project advisory committee is open to other interested companies at any time.