Online training for MTM-Basic (MTM-1 & MTM-UAS)
- 2021_en

The MTM compact training is aimed at all interested students and requires no entrance requirements. The MTM Basic Training includes
- MTM-1
The training takes place as a block event over 10 days at 6.5 h / day in the period from 15.03.2021 to 25.03.2021 during the lecture-free period. The training is divided as follows:
- MTM-1: 6 days with written examination on day 6
- MTM-UAS: 4 days with written exam on day 10
Due to the current situation, the training is conducted online as a webinar and can therefore be attended comfortably from home. The training fee is 400,- € (regular price 3430,- €).
For questions or registrations (until 10.02.2021) please contact seminarreihe-IEips.tu-dortmundde. We are looking forward to meeting you!